Clinical Trial Management Software

Clinical trial management software helps healthcare organisations, clinicians and researchers leverage data effectively and efficiently, improving their data management and analytical capabilities while reducing costs. But, not all solutions deliver on their promise and potential. Successful clinical trial management systems require an extensive understanding of the research environment and should be designed to address and overcome researchers’ most pressing challenges.

The importance of accurate data

Data is the foundation on which all clinical trials are built. It facilitates evidence-based analysis and is central to the scientific method and, by extension, modern healthcare. Data has always played a critical role in improving contemporary healthcare delivery. However, with the advent of new digital technologies, our data collection capacity is expanding rapidly and our analytic capabilities allow us to extract new insights. This presents challenges and opportunities and ensures effective data collection, management and analysis is becoming even more crucial.

1. More data, richer data

Healthcare providers have access to more data than ever. And this data is richer and more detailed. Thanks to technological advances, we have better control over clinical trials and the data it produces. That said, we depend on advanced digital tools to capture and store this data accurately.

2. Diversity of sources

Trial data comes from an increasingly diverse array of sources, ranging from specialist medical equipment to patient-reported outcomes. Data acquired through these varied sources must be collated and amalgamated in a central repository.

3. Greater data sharing

Healthcare professionals benefit from easy data sharing and greater information accessibility. Clinical trial management systems facilitate data sharing on a remarkable scale, allowing colleagues and peers to access findings and contribute to the trial.

4. Efficiency

Facing strict budget limitations, healthcare providers are regularly asked to prioritise efficiency and do more with less. Clinical trials are no exception. Digital clinical trial management solutions help researchers and healthcare professionals adopt more efficient and streamlined processes. Crucially, they do so while improving data accuracy and allowing for more detailed insights into the trial.

5. Participant trust and data security

Clinical trials involve collecting highly personal data that needs to be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality. Clinical trials rely on patient trust and voluntary participation, both of which require healthcare providers to create a safe and secure trial environment. That environment extends to their personal data.

Benefits of clinical trial management software

Advanced clinical trial management solutions benefit healthcare professionals in several ways. From streamlining workflows to improving data visualisation and reporting, here are eight principal advantages.

1. Streamlined workflows and automation

Well-designed software will help healthcare professionals implement efficient and flexible workflows that facilitate easy data capture and streamline key processes. Rich, customisable data entry forms that users can customise to their particular needs are central to this. Automation will also drastically reduce the manual processing required, enabling healthcare professionals to focus on more valuable work.

2. Centralised data storage

Clinical trials generate significant amounts of data from a wide range of sources and data pipelines. Amalgamating this data in a central repository is one of the primary challenges facing any healthcare organisation. Clinical trial management software should simplify data consolidation, providing easy access to all the information researchers need and eliminating data silos.

3. Enhanced data validation and accuracy

While capturing data is crucial, researchers and clinicians must also ensure its accuracy. This becomes increasingly difficult the more data you collect. Advanced clinical trial management systems feature real-time data validation protocols and integrate them into advanced electronic case report forms, immediate feedback alerts and auto-population functions. These mechanisms reduce opportunities for human error.

4. Coordinating data compliance

Modern clinical trial management solutions also ensure healthcare providers comply with regulations surrounding clinical data and sensitive information. They incorporate the required security processes and protocols, allowing for safe and secure data collection, storage and sharing.

5. Remote access

Today, all healthcare professionals involved in a clinical trial are not necessarily in the same location. Whether operating in separate facilities on the same campus or in different countries, digital tools enable professionals to coordinate and collaborate efforts, providing safe, instant access to all aspects of the trial.

6. Scalability

Versatile clinical trial management solutions can scale to meet the needs of the software owner. From simple, single-site studies to trials involving multiple facilities around the world, clinical trials vary considerably in size and complexity. An effective digital solution can accommodate this and is flexible enough to manage a wide range of trials.

7. Improved data visualisation

Clinical trial management solutions must also provide healthcare organisations with an extensive suite of analytical and reporting tools. Understanding and interpreting data is as crucial to trial success as secure collection and storage. From creating customisable reports based on real-time data sets to facilitating detailed statistical analysis, software should help healthcare professionals engage with and communicate the available data.

8. Effective integrations

Clinical trials feature a remarkable array of processes, technologies and data sets. From quality registries and biobanks to the medical equipment utilised to measure clinical developments, advanced digital software acts as a unified platform through which all relevant information passes and can be accessed.

Exploring Omda clinical trial management system software

Omda benefits from more than 20 years of experience in the Health Analytics market. Our two flagship solutions are Omda Research and Omda Health Intelligence.

Omda Research delivers comprehensive support for clinical research and facilitates safe, accurate and valuable trials. Prioritising fast and easy access to clinical data and previous studies, it also ensures healthcare professionals have excellent data interrogation and analysis tools at their disposal. 

Omda Healthcare Intelligence equips researchers with the tools required to harness clinical data and use it to inform decision-making and improve healthcare outcomes. Providing the basis for evidence-based decision-making and the development of new treatment strategies, the solution allows for the secure transfer of data to quality registries, studies, or clinical trial databases. It delivers insights into all aspects of healthcare practice and management, helping to improve care, identify operational efficiencies, optimise resource allocation and support public health initiatives.

Learn more about Omda Health Analytics solutions.

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Roger Weman
Business Area Manager – Health Analytics
He is based in the company’s office in Halmstad, Sweden.

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